OpenSys MicroBooks

Best Cloud-Based Accounting Software for Every Business Need

OpenSys MicroBooks

OpenSys MicroBooks is an integrated multi-location, multi-currency & multi-tenant cloud-based accounting software with every required functionality with rich features and dashboard integrated into the system. Highly scalable for small & medium enterprises or businesses with multi-branches and multi-companies under one roof. Supports unlimited concurrent number of users, open multiple companies and multi branches.

  • Access entire branches and companies with a single click.
  • The system provides you the edge you need to make intelligent business decisions consistently.
  • Detail reports on taxation that make it easy to file GST Returns as it is seamlessly formatted with the GSTN upload.
  • View Order History
  • Features like the Business Dashboard, Finance & Accounts, Material Management, Sale & Distribution, Budget Management and Fixed Assets which suits different functions within an organization.
  • Can run many different businesses from end to end processes anytime and anywhere and get real-time data.
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    The Scenario

    Today a business owner has plenty of options when it comes to implementing SaaS Solutions  such as online accounting software, as there is a wide range of commercial accounting software and applications available online in the market. It may become difficult for you to judge the right accounting system and a reliable accounting service provider for your business. Generally small business owners don’t need complicated software for their accounting operations. However for small and medium businesses, online accounting software need to be robust, scalable, and fast. On the other hand, it is difficult for them to spend sizable amount of such applications by incurring CAPEX expenditure.

    Why MicroPro?

    Great Reasons
    Why Choose MP

    Micropro Software Solutions Ltd., a 35 Years old established software company having designed, developed , implemented and maintained software application for various verticals in private as well as the Govt. sector.  We have expertise in developing applications in the  field of Finance and Accounting, Sales and  Inventory, Payroll etc. and served Govt. and Private organizations  as well. 

    The Micropro OpenSys MicroBooks  is the outcome of this vast experience and caters all Business Financial Needs through it. The Software is Built on Open Source Technology which makes it more cost effective and is Robust as well. It is a Cloud based software available on SaaS basis making it scalable with easy deployment. Micropro is making continued efforts to enhance the functionality of this software from time to time as per industry requirements and legal compliance.

    Cloud based Solution for all your Business Accounting Need

    • OpenSys MicroBooks is amazingly simple, easy-to- use and fastest accounting software for small & medium businesses.
    • It is ready accounting software that lets you send invoices, reconcile bank transactions, track inventory, generate various reports.
    • Maintain user's log history, hence tracing & tracking of every stage of operations.
    • OpenSys MicroBooks is also best for inventory management to take complete control of your Inventory and provides insightful reports on inventory workflow.
    • Like any other full-fledged ERP system, OpenSys MicroBooks has a complete sales and purchase life cycle that is tightly integrated into the system
    • Also, it lets you create beautiful invoices, track expenses, and manage inventory without any accounting background.
    • It is faster fulfilment of sales orders, inventory management, warehouse, and customer and supplier management.
    • It enables you to streamline your financial operations and increase productivity.
    • Order to Cash and Procure to pay life cycle can seamlessly manage your entire business operation.
    • Ready to use business solutions at unmatched costs with some features of SAP are readily available in the system.
    • OpenSys MicroBooks also provides key capabilities and several features integrated into the system along with Built-In operational controls.
    Finance & Accounts

    Finance and Accounts is important to any business as it aids in understanding the finance situation at particular point. Tracking Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable , Billing, payment, and reconciliation of accounts is major outcome of this module. It shares information needed to  prepares various reports including Balance Sheet, profit and loss statement. It manages General Ledger. Furthermore Asset Management, and Cash Management is done by finance and accounts module. Manual calculations are eliminated thereby avoiding calculation errors.

    Material Management

    Material management module manages identification of source of supply, comparison of quotations, evaluating the right quotation, create purchase orders, track the status of purchased material, and verifying the invoices upon receiving the material.

    Sales & Distribution

    Sales & Distribution module handles all the sales & dispatch related activities, client profile management, captures sales order, schedules order, handles shipping, track invoices and sales return. Dispatch part handles dispatch activities, Multiple dispatches on single sales order, tracking of goods, and conforming delivery of goods. These processes are done automatically in this software.

    Budget Management

    Budget module provides various features which regulates costs for given periods of time or such related to particular projects and activities. Compare and plan the budget in accordance with their long-term financial goals. The Budget feature is the key to superior  decision  making,  enabling  companies  to use  current expense data to plan and to report.

    Fixed Assets Accounting

    Fixed-asset accounting module records all financial activities related to fixed assets. The practice details the lifecycle  of an asset, such as purchase, depreciation, audits, revaluation, impairment and disposal. In a company’s books, each asset has an account, where all the financial activities related to fixed asset are recorded.

    Benefits of the OpenSysMicroBooks

    Simple and easy to use this accounting software that powers your business.

    • Easy to get started, and easy to upgrade
    • No capital cost involved in deployment
    • Instantly generates key financial reports.
    • Customize reports by filtering the data
    • Helps to make strategic decisions
    • Streamline GST filing.
    • Standardized sales & purchase statements
    • Manage your books anytime using multiple devices.
    • Cloud Based Software Minimizes your environmental impact.
    • Supports hundreds of concurrent users on shared infrastructure
    • Boost business value through customer-proven best practices
    • Instant download Trial Balance, P&L Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, General Ledger, Subsidiary Ledger, Cash Book and Bank Book online.
    • Track your transaction by department, cost projects, locations or business units
    • Categorised data makes it easy to calculate available tax credits.
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