Micropro Case Studies

Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University

Education | India
Micropro MAFSU Case Study

The Company

The Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU) was established on December 03rd, 2000 headquartered at Nagpur. The University has been carved out of the four Agriculture Universities in the state by transferring five Veterinary Colleges, one Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary & Animal Sciences and one Dairy Technology College. 

Thus beginning with the five Veterinary Colleges, one Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary & Animal Sciences and one Dairy Technology College at different geographical locations of the state in December 2000; University made a commendable progress in developing Fishery Faculty and strengthening Dairy Technology Faculty by establishing two new Fishery College at Nagpur & Udgir and one Dairy Technology College at Udgir. Besides ten colleges in three faculties, Director of Instructions, Director of Research and Director of Extension & Training, the University has a well-developed Students Welfare Section, University Library, Bio-informatics
Center and training and placement centers. With the new concepts of research and extension responsibility, the University plans to initiate and coordinate research projects with the other Universities, institutions of ICAR.


MAFSU has its head quarter at Nagpur and has about 14 related colleges and 2 sub-centers all over Maharashtra. Individual college prepares budget and submit to HQ. All such budgets are consolidated at HQ and send to appropriate authority for sanction. On getting sanction and Grant amount is disbursed by the authority, it is redistributed to all colleges by the Comptroller of MAFSU centrally. The colleges are required to submit monthly expenses statement and Monthly Revenue Receipt Statement budget head wise. Based on these statements, next installment of grant is released.

Eliminating Manual processes in Budgeting process
There was a need to automate manual processes that were not standardized,  cumbersome and error-prone resulting in draining both time and money. Streamlining of important day-to-day tasks across the university was needed to boost productivity and reduce operation cost and other overhead expenses.

Ensuring consistency and accuracy of commercial Information
The university needed to be agile in quickly identify problems in the business, and take
immediate corrective action so that it can set budgets, and monitor progress towards the goal. To achieve it the university needed to coordinate and share data across departments in consistent and accurate form.

Real-time reporting and Data consistency across departments
The University needed a centralized system where the commercial data entered at one point gets updated in subsequent departments without any manual intervention. This happens in real time keeping data updated and secured without data duplication enabling real time report generation as required by the University.


MAFSU started using the Micropro’s Web Based Centralized Financial System having Budget, Inventory and Finance Module for consolidating annual budgets of its colleges which gets revised twice in a year. It can also help colleges to prepare scheme specific budget and submit it to Director Research for onward transmission to sponsor for approval.

Integration of Micropro’s Budget, Finance and Inventory module with MAFSU’s existing system will facilitate the University to keep track and provide budget head wise disbursement and expenditure reports in real time. It can allow the users to
link any purchase or works contract to the budget code and expenses to get work order details like total value of contract, payments & deductions made and balance amount due to the contractor. The New system also maintains and tracks details of Bank Guarantee submitted by the contractor. 


Higher integration for efficiency in Budget preparation
Due to integration of Budget Finance and Inventory modules, time required for budget preparation will be substantially reduced. This will result in hassle free Operating Unit wise Budget consolidation, Sanctioning and Updating. 

Transparency and Control through Detailed Real-Time Reporting
Since the data is centralized and in standardized format, monthly expense statements and Monthly Revenue Receipt Statements are available to the University in real-time with provision for elementary Dissection of Minor and Major Budgetary Head.

Accurate and Consistent data through Automation
Since the system is completely automated with tight integration between various modules, the data in the system is accurate and consistent. Regular monitoring of this data helps in early detection of problems and immediate corrective steps can be taken proactively by the University.

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