Micropro Case Studies

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Govt. of India
BMC Case Study

The Company

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) is the primary organization responsible for urban governance in Greater Mumbai. In this endeavor and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its IT related operations, it is necessary to enhance level of service, better technical expertise and ensuring a more efficient processing on a cost effective basis.

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) provides various facilities like roads, lights, water, remove waste from city etc. to its citizen. This requires planning, development and maintenance etc. activity. To provide this facility corporation requires money for expenditure. MCGM levies and collects various taxes from citizen to generate revenues that are used for these activities. One of the main taxes is Property Tax. Property tax is a one of the major revenue of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). As per the section 154 of Mumbai Municipal Act, 1888 (M.M.C. Act 1888) local body can levy property tax on properties that come under MCGM jurisdiction.

Tax levy and collection are done by the Assessor and Collector department as describe in Chapter VIII of M.M.C Act 1888. Property tax also comes under this department. Assessment of property, levy tax on property and collection are main key functions of this department for property tax. Property tax is based on capital value of property. Thus this system is called Capital Value System (CVs).


The current system at MCGM is running at about 24 wards and portal for the citizen for payments. Some of the activities related to property tax are done manually. 

Current system is running from 2010 using Oracle 10g as a backend and J2EE, Struts, Hibernate, JSP etc. as a frontend.

  • Present system is very slow and takes time to generate reports
  • Incorporation of new requirements not possible in existing system
  • Property Tax Inspector has to spend more time on computer than in the field
  • Issue with Data consistency and correctness

It was proposed to develop the web based comprehensive system which takes care of inward, property assessment, demand generation, amendments in properties, generation of revised demand based on property amendments, collection of property tax and non-demand fees like schedule fee etc., generation of receipts, refunds, manual refund, advance refund, maintaining inspection book, P Form register, survey details, history of properties, linking of properties, maintain records for GPR, Repair cess and MTOB, providing interfaces for master creation and updation, online payment gateway, provision for early bird discount, accept payment through various mode of payments like cash, cheque, demand draft, pay order, NEFT, RTGS, credit card, debit card etc., collect payments through cyberCFC, provision for discheque accounting, provision to levy penalty for delayed payment and outstanding, levy penalties for unlawful structure, exemptions and concessions as mentioned in RFP document, process of mapping of recovery proceedings, citizen complaint redressal system, tracking of court cases, data entry for old property records, notices, letters, integration with 3rd party software as mentioned in RFP, interface for mobile device for various activities like measurement of property, inspection and view data of property etc.

In the proposed system above description designing of all the forms will be done and various checks and auto auditing with efficient alerts management will be designed.

Also facility to store scanned copy of property tax assessment documents will be provided with unique file identification
number. Proposed system will provide facility to retrieve documents as and when required. Proposed system will also provide labels of forms and reports in multilingual. However the data entry will be done in English and data will be shown in English in reports.

  • Reduction in Manual intervention hence reducing the risk of errors
  • Transparency and Control through Detailed Real-Time Reporting
  • Accurate and Consistent data through Automation
  • Labels of forms and reports in multiple Languages
  • 1300+ New Assessments and Reassessments done through the system Monthly
  • Rs. 73 Crore worth of Demands generated from the system Monthly
  • 40000+ payments handled by the system Monthly
  • Rs. 58 Crore worth of online payments done through the system Monthly
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